ableism, Discrimination, Problematic Advocates, Problematic organizations, Problems

Problematic Advocate and Problematic School: Anna Kennedy and Baston House School Anna Kennedy has been ignoring abuse at her former school Baston School and threatened. autistic campaigner Emma Dalmayne. Kennedy is an anti-vaxxer and many other things. She has threatened Emma with court cases but she fails to understand, that I am in the United States. Anna Kennedy, if you are reading this, BRING IT… Continue reading Problematic Advocate and Problematic School: Anna Kennedy and Baston House School

ableism, Discrimination, Problematic Advocates, Problems

The Connie Chronicles

Connie Manning as a mother of an Autistic who has her own page. It's an autism warrior mom page. She silences autistic voices. She invalidates self diagnosis. She works with the NCSA and ADW. Here is a timeline on what happened.     Jump to a section: The Boycott List Asking for Autistic Voices and Deleting Connection… Continue reading The Connie Chronicles

Problematic Advocates, Problems

A Open letter to William Shatner from an Autistic Adult

  Dear Mr Shatner, You seem to have a very misguided view on the #actuallyautistic Community. I will attempt to explain your inconsistencies in a way you can understand. You say 85 cents for every dollar goes to advocacy at Autism Speaks. Actually yes. Kind of. They group family services with research, advocacy and awareness.… Continue reading A Open letter to William Shatner from an Autistic Adult