Problematic organizations, Problems

Problematic Organization: Talk About Curing Autism

Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) is a no for profit that was founded in 2000 by Lisa Ackerman. It started with 10 families in the Ackerman living room.  It is based in Irvine, California. In 2019, they changed their name to The Autism Community In Action. They are not fooling anyone.

TACA often butts heads with the scientific community about treatments and causes. They have had spokespeople for themselves that support Andrew Wakefield  Wakefield falsified findings in a research study to show vaccines are linked to autism when they clearly are not.

They have manipulated over 2,100 families.

David Gorski said that TACA is a “group that promotes the idea that vaccines cause autism as well as aadvocates biomedical treatments to ‘cure’ autism.”

Lisa Ackerman has named flame retardant clothing, mattresses, new carpeting and other various nonsense things as causes to our neurology. She advocates for vitamin injections that are not doctor ordered. She also advocates hyperbaric oxygen chambers and other biomedical treatments. She means MMS or Chlorine Dioxide, chelation, turpentine and other dangerous substances! Kerri Rivera was even a mentor in their early days!

Time Line of the Quackery:

In 2001, TACA establishes chapters in San Fernando Valley, CA.

In 2002, TACA sends out its first e-news letter and launches website. TACA in Costa Mesa moves to a larger location due ot the increasing parents attending meetings. The first version of the parent binder became available. It is later remnamed the Autism Journey Guide. TACA establishes two California chapters in the Inland Empire and South Bay. 200,000 of TACA’s “My Child Has Autism” cards are distributed for the first time.

In 2003, Coffee Talk is held at the Cosa Mesa Chapter for the first time.

In 2004, Lisa Ackerman becomes a full time volunteer TACA executive direction. TACA establishes the Visalia and Santa Rosa Chapters. Grandma Sharon and Julie Ward present at the first Recovered Kids Meeting. First TACA picnic is held at Camp James in Irvine, CA.

In 2005, TACA’s first family and friends campaign raises $30,000. TACA establishes the 1st Adopt a Family holiday program.

In 2006, TACA’s first printed newsletter is distrobuted. Autism Journey Guide and DVD is released. TACA & Jack FM team up for Jack’s first show concert.

In 2007, the first TACA Leadership confrence is held. TACA establishes the Los Angeles chapter. 1st Ante Up for Autism raises $370,000.

In 2008, the 2nd Annual Leadership Confrence with 60 in attendance takes place. TACA goes nationwide with new chapters in California, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, North Dakota, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin. TACA’s Live Chat is launched at TACA was a sponsor for Green Our Vaccines march in Washington, DC in June. Generation Rescue joined them. Jenny McCarthy (blog post coming for her too) and Jim Carrey were featured at this rally. Several speakers making links between vaccines and autism were there as well.

In 2009, the 3rd Annual Leadership Confrence with 70 in attendance from 20 different states. TACA recieves $300,000 grant from Pacific Life Foundation to begin three new programs for families. TACA adds new chatpers in Arizona, Alabama, California, Indiana, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Tennasee.

In 2010, the co-cordinator of TACA’s chapter in Maryland said that even though they question vaccines, her group was not a follower of Jenny McCarthy.  Oakley- TACA sunglasses become available. The 4th Annual Leadership Conference with 60 in attendance in 22 states.

This organization that promotes biomedical cures is growing at a very frightening rate. They claim people are “recovered from autism.” That translates to being subjected to dangerous treatments. The organization is secretive about their information and this was all I could dig up but this should give you enough information about how dangerous they are.

How To Experiment on Your child

TACA has a packet called A-Z: Autism Journey Blueprints. It is a how to guide on using quackery on your autistic child. They are different biomedical treatments, quack diets and everything in between. Here it is from my drive so they don’t get hits:

Quackery Scholarships

TACA offers scholarships for parents to inflict quackery to their kids if they cannot afford it. They don’t call it quackery scholarships but that’s what they actually are. These scholarship started in 2006. “These scholarships depend on the fundraising efforts of our Chapters and the generosity of key donors and foundations.”

Different Scholarship programs:

  • TACA National Immunity Support Package Scholarship
  • TACA Georgia Chapter Ion Cleanse by AMD Scholarships (Georgia only)
  • TACA Georgia Chapter Biomedical Scholarship (Georgia only)
  • TACA San Diego Chapter Biomedical Scholarship (San Diego only)
